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Domus Project
the project
We are working on a promising project about Building Automation.
- affordable
- flexible and interfaceable with other standards and products
The system will be made of:
- a series of pheripherals, communicating over the well-known ModBus standard, such as:
- digital input modules;
- relay output modules;
- dimmer modules;
- anolog input modules;
- temperature sensors;
- smoke/gas sensors;
- …
- some intelligent units, that will run specific software capable of:
- communicating with the attached peripherals;
- gain autonomy (respond to inputs switching outputs etc);
- working as gateway to the Ethernet;
- be configurable in stand-alone (web interface) but when connected to a network should be ideally configurable automatically by the system (just configure the “master” device, all peripheral intelligent units will be automatically configured for stand-alone autonomy operation).
- some user interfaces (touch panels), communicating over ethernet, running specific software
State of art
Developing peripherals. Nothing ready.
DIN - 16 dig. input module
DIN - 8 relay output module
Temperature sensor
Intelligent Units
User Interfaces
It is possible to have a PSU for each peripheral, or centralize them. Centralizing them can be convenient bacause you can use only one 12V lead acid battery as backup power for the whole system (except for additional networking infrastructures, such as ethernet switches).