
NodeMcu (ESP8266)

To be upgraded with future knowledge

This module implements an ESP8266MOD that is Wifi hardware + microcontroller with flash memory + USB-uart interface (serial port) + GPIO lines.

Its firmware is 3-layered:

For the moment, we don't know how to install user code in memory and IF and HOW it would be possible to rewrite the whole firmware to user's needs.

Step-by-step guide to get the first example working.

  1. Compile the firmware
  2. Upload the firmware
  3. Connect to the serial terminal
  4. Write and test an example code: connect to an existing WiFi network and start a simple HTTP server

1. compile the firmware

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We used the cloud building service at

Once built an email will notify you and you can download the image ready to be uploaded in the nodemcu .

2. upload the firmware

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Download and the needed requirements (python and python-serial module) from here .

If your module is cheap it should be 512kB version so run: –port <USB-port-with-ESP8266> write_flash -fm qio -fs 4m 0x00000 <nodemcu-firmware>.bin.

3. Connect to the serial terminal

Open your preferred terminal (i just prefer cutecom) and set the serial port (like /dev/ttyUSB0) to 115200 baud 8n1.

Reset the device and it should write something like:

NodeMCU custom build by
\0x09branch: master
\0x09commit: cdaf6344457ae427d8c06ac28a645047f9e0f588
\0x09SSL: false
\0x09modules: file,gpio,http,net,node,ow,tmr,uart,wifi
 build \0x09built on: 2016-06-07 19:06
 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 1.5.1(e67da894)
lua: cannot open init.lua

That > means it is ready to accept and interpret LUA code in console mode.

4. Write and test an example code

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4.1. connect to an existing WiFi network

To set the wifi module in client mode enter(+return):


To list the wifi networks enter all the following lines and wait a little while after the last:

function listap(t)
    for k,v in pairs(t) do
        print(k.." : "..v)

To join a wifi network enter:

wifi.sta.config("SSID", "password")

To check if it has joined and the IP obtained from the DHCP server:

print (wifi.sta.getip())

4.2. start a simple HTTP server

srv = net.createServer(net.TCP)
srv:listen(80, function(conn)
    conn:on("receive", function(sck, payload)
        sck:send("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<h1> Hello folks this is NodeMCU!</h1>")
    conn:on("sent", function(sck) sck:close() end)